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Watch Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood Episode ...

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Watch Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood Episode ...

Yes, you can watch Brotherhood without watching Fullmetal Alchemist. 20 of the 51 episodes in the original series are manga canon, so there is some overlap. However, if you want to experience the original story made specifically for the initial series, then you can watch that to examine the differences between the two series.

Unlike The Conqueror of Shamballa, The Sacred Star of Milos isn't a sequel - rather, it's a side-story taking place somewhere around episode 20 of Brotherhood. You could, in principle, watch it at any time after episode 24 of Brotherhood, but I would recommend leaving it until the end of the series anyway.

FMA is better with the beginning of the story, which FMAB condenses too much (in less than 8 episodes), so you don't get the same emotional immersion. For example, if you would like to know why Shou Tucker has remained the top hated character since 2003, you'll have to watch the FMA 2003 version first, as FMAB just recaps the event in one episode. And this is one of the major events that shape the lives of the main protagonists, but it will pass you by if you just watch the FMAB version, and it will spoil the story if you decide to watch FMA later. FMAB has a better ending, as it's the manga ending created by the original author.

FMA is better at the first part, which FMAB, condenses too much, in less than 10 episodes, so you don't get the same emotional immersion. FMA ending is ok, FMAB ending it's outstanding, but in my opinion, both stories are worth watching. FMAB closely follows the manga.

FMA is an extremely dark series, with plenty of very messed up scenes and ideas. "Wow" came to mind many a time when something gruesome happened yet again, and this continues throughout the entire series. There are plenty of twists and turns along the way (with one really major one near the end), most of which will surprise you and catch you off guard. There is also a plethora of character development and characters in general, all of whom have a rich background and history. The empathy we feel when a character is killed, for example (or hurt in any way) is present throughout the entire series because of how well the character interactions were presented in tandem with the plot. Truly, there aren't enough good things I can say about the story... it reels you in in the first few episodes and holds on tight till the final act (which is a very beautiful yet open ending, setting itself up nicely for the movie). There are barely any series I see that make me want to watch the next episode so badly, and this is one of them, for 51 episodes in a row. A 10 Can't give it anything less.

I can't say enough good things about this series, but I feel like watching it for yourself would make you understand why I gave it a perfect score. Everything about the series is flawless, from the epic and involved story to the pacing and mood, to the music and animation and depth of characters. It really is rare for a series like this to come along that not only succeeds at keeping your attention for 26 episodes, but for 51. What are you waiting for Check this out as soon as you can." -sothis

Hi, I personally haven't read the manga, but I've been told that FMA 2003 do follow the manga closely up to episode 25, then it goes into its own story. FMAB condenses those 25 episodes into just 9, so you don't get the same emotional immersion, especially in the Show Tucker Arc, which I think get's spoiled if you watch it in FMAB first in just one episode, for me at least, it was done way better in FMA, hence my recommendation.

I came across Fullmetal Alchemist on my own sometime later. This time, I was more open to it, but that was probably because a friend of mine recommended it and watched the first couple episodes with me.

*When I watched FMA:B, the start was extremely rushed. But since those first few episodes are the exact same as the first half of FMA, which I'd already seen, I was actually happy that they rushed it, because I didn't need to watch the same thing all over again. 59ce067264


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